Pause the Paws

Join the movement for dog-free public spaces.

*Disclaimer for our friends living with Cynophobia. This website contains AI-generated images of dogs. However, some blog posts feature photos of real dogs in restaurants and grocery stores. Please proceed only as you are comfortable.

That ain’t a service dog

We get it, dogs are great. They just don’t need to go everywhere with you. Consider why taking your dog isn’t always such a good idea and can actually endanger your dog and fellow humans in shared spaces.

Fight for safe spaces

Being the lone voice of reason can be hard and sometimes the right thing isn’t always the most popular. Learn more about tactful ways you can help protect yourself and your community from dogs in unsafe, public spaces.

Genuine service dog allies

Genuine service dogs are more than just companions—they're essential partners, providing invaluable support to individuals with disabilities. Yet, the growing trend of non-service dogs in public food spaces risks undermining the legitimacy of genuine service dog teams.

Support tougher penalties for big corporations that fail to keep us safe

Sign the online petition. We won’t spam you (for real).